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arrive,reach和get to的用法区别

来源: 英语语法网栏目: 用法辨析

1. arrive是不及物动词,其后不能直接跟表示地点的名词,与at或in连用后可以跟表示地点的名词;表示使用某种交通工具到达时常用arrive。如:

Has the train arrived?

They arrived at the village on a rainy night.注意:

arrive at指到达较小的地方,如车站、机场、码头、学校、工厂、商店等。如:

It was dark when I arrived at the airport.

arrive in指到达较大的地方,如村庄、城镇、地区、国家等。如:

When did you arrive in Beijing yesterday?

2. reach是及物动词,正式用语,其后直接跟表示地点的名词。如:

He reached Japan on October the second 2017.

3. get to是短语动词,相当于及物动词,在口语中用用的多,使用的范围也很广,不管是步行还是乘车、乘船、乘飞机等到达目的地或中途暂停都可以用。如:

Can you tell me how I can get to the airport?


当arrive,get to后跟副词home,here,there时,arrive后不再用at或in,get后不再用to。如:

When the train arrived here,it was raining hard.

When did you get home?


